Guide to Muse 3

Guide to Muse 3 is a reference document designed to help users get started with Muse. The goal was to lay the foundation for a new user handbook that is simpler to maintain while offering more than just a list of interactions.

I structured the content, wrote some of the copy, and created all supporting visuals to explain the basics of the Muse canvas. Putting together the entire guide took us 2 weeks.

Content design / Technical writing
2 weeks

Rethinking the handbook

The original handbook was beloved by our users and served its purpose as a comprehensive reference for all interactions in Muse. However, as the product and interface evolved with new features and interactions, maintaining the handbook became increasingly burdensome—largely due to the high-quality standard we always upheld. With Muse transitioning into a new era as a solo operation, we needed a simpler, more flexible solution.

Previous handbook for iPad features and interactions.

Table of content sketch. I worked on the sections marked with the purple star.